The following programs will be available in Fall 2019. Registration and more info will be available in late Spring 2019.
Learn to Play
Mastering the fundamentals is the most important aspect of developing a new skill! We dedicate the beginning of each practice to sound fundamental lacrosse development achieved by drills that emphasize proper throwing, catching, communication, and ground balls. The second part of practice is geared towards reinforcing and implementing the fundamentals learned by playing games and scrimmages.
Boys & Girls ages 4-9
No Equipment
Boy’s Fall Ball
Fall entails more fun and games for players to continue learning the game of lacrosse and improving their skills! Participants in Kinder through 6th grade have the opportunity to learn and reinforce the fundamentals of lacrosse in a practice setting. Players will be exposed to and challenged by drills that help foster proper fundamentals and development. Anyone who is age eligible for teams (K-6th) is able to participate in the Fall Ball Practices.
Equipment Required: Helmet, Gloves, shoulder pads,
Girl’s Fall Ball
Participants between the ages 1st-4th Grade have the opportunity to learn and reinforce the fundamentals of lacrosse in a practice setting. Players will be exposed to and challenged by drills that help foster proper fundamentals and development. Anyone who is age eligible for teams (1st-4th) is able to participate in the Fall Ball Practices 1 or 2 times per week.
Drop it like it’s hot - literally! As the weather drops and trees start turning, come join us this Fall for Ballers! Ballers is a series of games that let the kids play! Each session participants will be divided into teams and get the opportunity to play in an organized lacrosse game with real zebras (refs)! Ballers is less formal than the official Spring Season and players will play at the same time and location each session. The perfect dose of lacrosse, nothing more, nothing less.
Ages: Boys Kinder-6th Grade
Equipment: Full Equipment Required
Denver Lacrosse Academy
Denver Lacrosse Academy is an advanced training opportunity for players who have passed the Denver United Lacrosse Wall Ball Test. The practices will have a small group setting with a favorable coach to player ratio which players will get more reps and individual instruction. The Wall Ball Test is required in order for players to demonstrate their stick skill proficiency that is necessary to actively participate in the advanced clinic. Every player in our program is capable of passing the Wall Ball Test with enough practice and discipline. Stick skills are the single most important skill in the sport of lacrosse. Please refer to the wall ball test and let me know if you have any questions.